Morris-O'Hearn, Vanessa » Home


Our class is composed of multiple games.  One game is based on Mastery  Achievement based on proficiency on quizzes and labs.  The score board is found in the classroom.  Another game is based on behavior and the scoreboard is found online with Class Dojo.
All students can retake ANY quiz or test during my office hours.  My office hours are posted inside the class and on the outside of the door.  It is about LEARNING not just points!
APES--check out

AP BIO--check out
About Ms. Morris-O'Hearn: Teaching is one of my many passions.  I also love to play tennis and run.   
I enjoy traveling and spending time with family and friends.  I have 3 degrees from UCLA so I'm a huge Bruin fan. I am married to a cardiology researcher.