Act 4 Reading Check

Act 4 Reading Check 

  1. On page 1220, Parris talks to Danforth in fear that people in Salem will find out about the news in Andover, where the townspeople have decided that they do not believe in witchcraft. What is Parris suggesting to Danforth about what might happen in Salem?
  2. On page 1221, why does Parris ask Danforth to postpone the hanging of 7 people who are accused of witchcraft? (2 of the 7 people include Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor.)
  3. On page 1222, Danforth is serious and unwilling to postpone the hanging of the 7 people who are schedule to hang by sunrise if they do not confess. Why does he refuse to pardon/postpone their execution?
  4. On page 1223, Hale talks about the condition of Salem. What strange events does he describe is happening all around town?
  5. On page 1224, Danforth asks Hale why he has returned to Salem after quitting. Hales response is quite unusual. Describe why Hale chooses to respond to Danforth in a sarcastic way.