CV Family Academy » A Background Overview

A Background Overview

The Mission
The CV Family Academy Mission is to increase parent, guardian, and family engagement that promotes student access to college, career, and life by fostering a positive school climate.
The History
Commencing in the Fall of 2020, each CV Parent Center was renamed "CV Family Academy," with Lawndale High School having established its Parent Center in 2016. Our school district takes immense pride in the diverse array of academies offered by each of our high schools. In partnership with liaisons and parent leaders, the district remains firmly committed to establishing an academy dedicated to families, with the aim of fostering active engagement through meaningful partnerships.
The core purpose of this academy is to acknowledge and provide support to families who actively participate in their child's educational journey. Extensive research unequivocally indicates that when families are involved in their child's school life, there is a noticeable improvement in student academic achievements and behavior. Additionally, the CV Family Academy creates a nurturing and collaborative environment that cultivates confidence among our parents and guardians, positioning them as indispensable partners in ensuring a positive and enriching educational experience for all students.
These CV Family Academy Centers serve as hubs for parents, managed by a dedicated Family Engagement Liaison. Their role is to facilitate and host a wide range of opportunities designed to engage families. These opportunities include interactive workshops, informative sessions, and collaborative events, all aimed at enhancing the partnership between families and the educational journey of their children.
The Research
Promoting Effective Family Engagement: Your Partner in Student Success
At the heart of our efforts, the CV Family Engagement Team is committed to adhering to the mandates outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Title I, while also incorporating the recommendations put forth by the California Department of Education Family Engagement Toolkit and other research. We understand the vital role that family engagement plays in nurturing student achievement, and we are here to provide you with the resources and strategies that empower both parents and educators to create a thriving learning environment for our students.
Continue reading to explore how our collaborative approach aligns with these essential guidelines and how you can actively participate in your child's educational journey.
California Department of Education Family Engagement Toolkit:
The California Department of Education (CDE) recognizes the crucial role that families play in supporting student achievement. To foster meaningful family engagement, CDE has developed the Family Engagement Toolkit. This toolkit provides a comprehensive set of resources, strategies, and best practices for schools, educators, and families to work collaboratively in promoting student learning and success.
The toolkit includes:

1. Family Engagement Framework: A guide that outlines the essential components of successful family engagement and how they contribute to student outcomes.

2. Engagement Strategies: Practical and effective strategies for involving families in a student's education journey, including communication techniques, involvement in decision-making, and building partnerships.

3. Resource Library: A collection of resources, templates, and tools that schools and families can use to enhance their engagement efforts.

4. Success Stories: Real-life examples of schools and communities that have successfully implemented family engagement practices, along with the positive outcomes they've achieved.
Visit the California Department of Education Family Engagement Toolkit to explore these valuable resources and take an active role in your child's education.
Dr. Joyce Epstein's 6 Types of Parental Involvement:
Dr. Joyce Epstein, a renowned education researcher, has identified six distinct types of parental involvement that contribute to student success across grade levels. Here, we'll focus on how these types can be tailored for high school parents:
1. Parenting: Help all families provide a supportive home environment that encourages learning, positive behavior, and regular attendance through:
    • Parent education and other courses or training for parents (e.g., GED, College Credit, Family Literacy)
    • Family support programs to assist families with health, nutrition, and other services
    • Home Visits
2. Communicating: Design effective forms of School-to-Home and Home-to-School communications about school programs and children's progress through:
    • Parent Conferences
    • Language Access
    • Regular communication such as notices, memos, phone calls, newsletters, etc.
3. Volunteering: Recruit and organize parent assistance and support through:
    • School & Classroom volunteer program
    • Parent/Family center that serves as a hub for resources, communication, volunteer opportunities and informational meetings
4. Learning at Home: Provide information and ideas to families about how to assist students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, decisions, and planning through:
    • Information for families on skills required for students in all subjects at each grade
    • Family participation in setting student goals each year and in planning for college or work
5. Decision-Making: Participate in school decision-making processes, such as attending school board meetings, providing input on policies, or joining advisory committees through:
    • Site level parent organizations such as PTSO, SSC, ELAC, AAPAC, etc.
    • District level parent organizations such as DELAC & DPAC
6. Collaborating with the Community: Coordinate resources and services from the community for families, students, and the school, and provide services to the community through:
    • Providing information for students and families on community health, cultural, recreational, social support, and other programs or services.
    • Providing information on community activities that link to learning skills and talents, including summer programs for students.
Remember, your involvement matters! By utilizing the resources in the California Department of Education Family Engagement Toolkit and understanding Dr. Joyce Epstein's six types of parental involvement, you're taking important steps toward helping your high school student achieve their full potential.
Reach Out: Your Education Partner
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Feel free to reach out to me for any questions, suggestions, or assistance you may need. Your involvement is crucial in shaping your child's educational experience.
Family Engagement Liaison:
Ms. Ketta Jeanette Hirata
(310) 263-3117
Parent Center Room A-103
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM