Unit 1 Essay Rewrite, "Choices," & "W.O.W." writing prompts

Unit 1 essay rework and rewrite: (DUE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13)

You have an opportunity to rework and rewrite your essay for improvement.  If you passed, consider it; if you didn't do so well, highly consider rewriting.  I will available for assistance Friday Nov 8th during nutrition, lunch and after school.  I will also be available Tuesday Nov 12 during nutrition, lunch and after school.  Whether if you need my help or not, look at the rubric along with the feedback from your classmates.

If you do not take advantage of this, your score will remain the same.



Many of you have turned in the 3 choices you worked on last week or this week.  If you do not turn in them on the due date, your grade for this assignment will either stay the same or will drop to a zero.


"W.O.W" writing prompts (DUE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12)

You got a start on this assignment in class.  You are to finish it over the weekend.  A copy of the assignment is attached here on the site, unless you took a picture of it in class. 

Remember to write 4 different prompts; 2 paragraphs each; handwritten; and 2 different "W.O.W." words per writing prompt.  Please make sure you underline them.