About Us » Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes
In the summer of 2013, as part of CVUHSD's Linked Learning Initiative, all district stakeholders initiated the process of creating a district graduate profile. This year long process involved district and site certificated and classified staff, parents, and students to define the attributes CVUHSD students should embody and exemplify upon graduating from the district. All department, academy, and course learning outcomes will be aligned to this profile.
Beyond meeting graduation requirements and attaining academic proficiency CVUHSD graduates will become...
College and Career Ready Individuals
Graduates will develop and manage a clearly articulated post secondary
plan that is aligned with their academic and/or career goals and personal
Effective Communicators
Graduates will be able to express thoughts and articulate ideas through
verbal, non-verbal, written, and technological means.
Ethical Leaders
Graduates will demonstrate ethical leadership through effective decision
making and self management by understanding their personal strengths 
and weaknesses.
Independent & Collaborative Critical Thinkers & Problem Solvers
Graduates will exercise critical thinking skills to independently and
collaboratively address the nature of a problem and propose creative
Socially Aware & Responsive Community Members
Graduates will act as productive citizens who serve in the community to 
improve the quality of life for their local, national, and global community.